Category: Blog

9 Tips for Creating an Impressive Cheese Platter

9 Tips for Creating an Impressive Cheese Platter

1. Start with the big stuff The best way to construct a cheese plate is to start with the chunky bits and build around them. By “chunky bits” I mean the cheese and bowls. By placing these sturdy items first, you are creating a base…

How to Create Your Own Recipe in 5 Easy Steps

How to Create Your Own Recipe in 5 Easy Steps

Have you ever been eating a dish and thought “hmm, basil would really step this up a notch” or “this soup would be way better with a bit of heat”?  If you are reading this blog post, my guess is yes. Creating your own recipes…

The Beetdown on Beets

The Beetdown on Beets

Beets.  A vegetable everyone recognizes for their bright colour, but (if you’re like me) has no idea what to do with.  The first time I came across a beet was when I was 22 years old and living in Australia (my parents are not the…

The Essentials I ALWAYS Have In My Kitchen (Besides salt, pepper & olive oil)

The Essentials I ALWAYS Have In My Kitchen (Besides salt, pepper & olive oil)

Have you ever gone to whip up a quick meal only to realise you’re out of the one condiment that makes the dish? I mean, can you ever really enjoy a hot dog without ketchup? (sorry Chicago, I know I’m betraying my heritage by putting…

Beer is Proof that God Loves Us

Beer is Proof that God Loves Us

Having attended a big 10 college in midwest America, it is safe to say that beer was my first foray into the alcohol world.  Of course back then my selection was based much more on price than quality (anyone remember Natty Ice? Blech!).  Since then…

10 Amazing Alcohol Quotes

10 Amazing Alcohol Quotes

If you are anything like me, you love quotes.  There’s something about the witty directness of them that appeals to me.  With a quote, there is no time to provide a lead-up, or extra content.  It is what it is. Of course there are thousands…

Am I Drinking Champagne, Sparkling Wine or Prosecco?

Am I Drinking Champagne, Sparkling Wine or Prosecco?

Champagne. The drink of celebration, New Year’s Eve and boozy brunches.  But did you know that the bubbly you are sipping in your mimosa is likely not “champagne”?  I didn’t know this until I was in my mid-twenties, and to be honest, never paid attention…